Adapted Symbols: Depression = Triangle

[Click image to Enlarge]
Upgraded from the previous designs, these follow the rule that Depression = Triangle. The shades of grey depend on the severity; mild, moderate and severe as seen on the key.

Upgraded Symbols

Exactly the same symbols as before, but to make them look like more of a set, I have rounded the corners. They also look more friendly and approachable which enhances the designs, especially in this topic area.

Converting Types of Depression into Symbols

[Click images to Enlarge]
Depression comes in many different forms, and sometimes can be difficult distinguishing the difference. Each type can be put into a category of mild, moderate and severe (symbols shown at the top of the page). The remaining listed symbols demonstrate the various types. I have tried to illustrate each type in the simplest way that still shows understanding.
My colour palette has remained limited in order to help demonstrate the representation of depression. 

Experimental Work

Some typographical experiments using the word 'depression' in one typeface of various sizes. The opacities have been changed according to the size of the word. The positioning and layering was then experimental in order to produce these outcomes.
I feel the most successful experiment is the last circular one. This represents the 'black hole' depressed people find themselves in. As a starting point, I think this can work as a piece of artwork alone, but also demonstrates how depression may feel.
The following experiment uses the black hole effect, in different colours to see how they display a different perception.

I think these look quite pretty and artistic - however this is the opposite of depression. Could it represent depression in a different light? (Thoughts about this needed).
The next experiment follows the same pattern as the first couple, using the colour palette from my previous survey results - also demonstrating earlier in my EMP blog.

[Click on Images to Enlarge]

Project Boost

A much needed tutorial later and a decision different from my outcome of the tutorial - I am going to stick with my topic of depression. I've been researching and digging for six weeks, it'd be a shame to let it all go to waste. I just need to focus and work on visuals to push it along in order to see light at the end of the tunnel. During the chat I had come up with another idea, completely different - which I now hope to try and complete on the side. Words of wisdom got me thinking on my way home that I need to stick with what I've already worked so hard to achieve and maybe not worry so much about what other people think - what is it my target audience NEEDS?

Survey 3

1. What are the biggest problems you face during student life?
  • Living conditions
  • Housemates
  • Homesickness/Not being able to settle in
  • Relationships
  • Workload
  • Presentations
  • Tutors
  • Multi-tasking
  • Money
  • Health Problems
2. Please list the order that you would prioritise the following:
  • Socialising
  • Uni/College work
  • Relationships
  • Jobs & Money
  • Returning home
  • Health & Fitness
3. In general, do you seek help when facing worries and problems?
  • No
  • Yes
  • If no, why not?
  • If yes, who from?

Back and Forth: "Find a Nugget and Explore"

So all day I have been contemplating my ideas and going back and forth between past ideas and possible future ones.
So far my mind thought has gone like this:

1. DEPRESSION: This was my first starting point and a HUGE topic with so many different possibilities, causes, symptoms, signs and types. The subject could easily become complicated to deal with in regards of ethics and the sheer mass of knowledge that would need to be consumed in order to understand the illness as a whole.

2. TEENAGE DEPRESSION: This topic wasn't narrowed down, however the target group was. Teenagers. This is an age group I feel is neglected in terms of this illness as most people pass it off as a black mood, time of the month, tiff, typical teenager. Most of the time they could be asking for help, so I believed this target group needed to be aware of recognising symptoms and know what to do to help themselves initially before gaining the confidence to open up and talk about their issues. This is also the time of their lives where big changes happen and life changing events take place.

3. STUDENT DEPRESSION: As depression in a large age group such as teenagers was also still too large, I moved on to focusing on a particular event in someone's life which was significant to possible feelings of depression. Focusing on moving to Uni and away from home for the first time seemed a sensible option.

4. DEPRESSION WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE: After much research and discussions with various students and tutors, I found that although the initial move is daunting, depression can strike at any time during the time you spend at Uni. Depression amongst students is on the rise due to the lifestyles they lead. These lifestyles are typical amongst all students, but can have a severe affect on the individuals. Awareness needs to be raised and people need to be encouraged to talk to someone in order to help themselves before sinking in to deep.

5. ASKING FOR HELP: The more research I have been engaging in, the more my project seems to change. Still focusing on University students, I think the problem is that not enough people ask for help when they really need it. Continuing from students being encouraged to talk about their problems, can also lead to asking for help with Uni work, help about where to go and who to see about health problems/money problems etc. It is a different spin on my previous idea as I'd be encouraging people to ask for help and talk it out in order to boost confidence, which in turn will subtly move them away from the risks of stress, anxiety and depression.

As I am STILL not 100% sure on my solid focus, I'm currently juggling these ideas around in order to see where I can take this. Survey 3 has been completed and I am awaiting my results.

Confusion Sets In

I have now struck a brick wall and unsure as to what my next steps for my project will be.
So far I have understood depression, the symptoms and signs around it and what can help this situation. My focus is now at the three or four years you will spend at University during student life.
I want to produce an encouragement/awareness campaign in order to spark interest and deliver information to all students and make them aware that it is common and they need to speak to someone as soon as they notice the symptoms.

During tutorials we have been asked to produce various experiments and visuals regarding our project which I am finding very difficult to come up with. The only way round this that I can think of at the moment are visualising my survey results.
Balancing my workload is proving difficult and I need to tackle this in order to maintain a strong project. I'm worrying too much about my end product and not enough about my current situation, so by Friday I need to present my final decision and tackle it head on as of next week.

I have started to visualise how depression and happiness feels to someone. I think I really need to define exactly what my message and problem is before I can think of a solution. I'm one step ahead of myself without the relevant information!

It looks like survey 3 might me on its way...

Making an Identity for Myself: Me

I wanted to make my identity tie in with my interests and style of working. I have made two 3D white letters from card to say 'ME'. I thought this was personal and it relates to me in terms of being the first two letters of my name too. Although I will still go by my name, I thought this was something I could play on and adapt to many different situations.
This is just a starting point into developing my identity further. Below are some images I took regarding my 3D letters.

Survey Results: Informative View of Colour Associations

Based on my survey results regarding colour association, I have produced some infographics in order to display my answers in a better way. Each coloured circle is a certain diameter depending on the number of people who chose the colour. For example 25 people associated orange with Happiness, this has been demonstrated with a circle 25mm across and positioned with the top of the circle level with 25 on the axis. It's a simple self-explanatory system which works for the time being, I will adapt and change when and if necessary.

Survey Results: Colour Association with Depression and Happiness

My first response to a colour abstraction exercise. In my second survey I conducted, I asked about colour associations between depression and happiness. The image above shows the results from the 82 people I have collected from so far. The larger blocked colours represent the most popular answers, the thinner blocks representing the least popular answers. Where some people generalised with answers I used initiative to create a small colour palette within this experiment.
As this is my first response, I would like to experiment with other ways to demonstrate this information in order to display it more effectively. However, from this experiment I can get a better understanding of what colours to steer clear of and what colours would help boost my future designs.

Focusing My Project Further

I've had great difficultly in focusing my project from the massive topic of depression. However in order for me to create a good project, I need to make 'a nugget in which I can explore'.
So this is what I have come up with:

Target Audience:
Persons aged 18-24 making the life changing event/transition of moving to Uni and leaving home. I will aim towards this age range in general and look at how to spot the symptoms and signs in order to prevent a down-spiral. I will be making the issue more public amongst this age group so people can see it's common, encourage them to talk about it and ask for help - and hopefully to let them know where to go and what to do in this situation.

I will touch on the stresses, anxiety and strains that can lead towards depression, focusing in particular on the mildly depressed. (This is the point where you have a choice - you can either get better or sink further into depression) I want to raise awareness about what it is, the severity and how to recognise the symptoms and signs. There are things you can do to prevent this and I will adapt these to a typical student lifestyle.

As it can be quite a negative topic I want to put a positive spin on it in order to maintain encouragement and interest so people will not deliberately ignore this issue.

Evaluation, Career Planning and Enterprise 2

Our discussion today was something I definitely needed in order to kick start me and make me realise how little I knew about different agencies and areas of design I could go into.
I HAVE to start looking now, work on my portfolio and build relationships in order to have any chance of achieving the best I can in this industry.
Design agencies to look at:

  • Cartridge Levene
  • North
  • I Love Dust
  • See
  • Made Thought
  • Graphic Thought Facility
  • Pentagram
  • Browns
  • Farrow
  • Spin
  • NB Studio
  • Poke
  • Rose Design
  • Parent Design
  • Ideology
  • Bright Blue Day
  • Type Foundry
I need to look into these well known design agencies to help me determine where it is I fit into within the graphic design industry.

Survey 2

I have decided to conduct a more focused survey which will give me relevant feedback in order to produce various experiments and spark initial project ideas. I need to make a start as soon as possible as everything will need thorough planning and proper feedback throughout the course of my project.
Below are the questions asked in my latest survey:

1. Are you:

  • Male
  • Female
2. How old are you?
3. How did you feel when you first moved to a new place?
4. Have you ever/do you suffer from depression?
5. What colours do you associate with the word depression?
6. What colours do you associate with the word happy?
7. What do you do to lower your stress levels/cheer yourself up?
8. What things do you find triggers stress/low moods?
9. How would you visualise depression?
10. How would you visualise happy?

I am currently gathering my responses. I hope to get a range of 100 to broaden my thinking and to reach out to as many people as possible.

Critique Feedback

General comments:
  • Find a nugget to explore
  • Experimentations are needed in order to push your project in a direction, there's room to go wrong at the moment; eg. Colour charts, abstraction - work from raw data
  • Get something through practice
  • Lead to outcome instead of having something pre-determined
  • Distribution of data
  • What are the misunderstandings?
  • Interviews are useful - primary sources
  • The use of language needs to make sense to your target audience
  • How can you represent different words?
Comments regarding my presentation:
  • Think about the USER - want to avoid getting caught up in ethical situations
  • Perhaps aim your target audience to non-sufferers as a pre-warning?
  • Record different events that may cause a turbulence in people's lives, choose one to associate these feelings to?
  • Be clear in what you want to do
  • Pick one event to develop a target audience instead of pin-pointing a particular age group
  • Be careful for ethical issues that may rise
I feel my feedback was really helpful as I did struggle to find a focus where I could completely avoid an ethical issue. I now need to expand on these points and define exactly what my target audience is and how I will achieve this.

Survey 1 Results

[Click on the image to Enlarge]
These results do not include the self reply answers. Due to the type of survey I applied for I was only able to receive 100 answers, this was still an amazing response and enabled me to see a broad range of replies to this topic area. 
The majority of the people who participated in my research was students - this is good as it is within my target audience age range, so their feedback is important for my project. 
46% of people thought that the most common age group to be effected by depression is 26-40, it is infact 11-25 (my chosen target audience).
77% of people understand that depression does not need a particular cause in order for someone to suffer from it and a huge 85% of people don't think enough is being done to promote the awareness of this illness.
79% of people luckily know it is an illness, however it means people still believe it is a weakness or a phase that everyone goes through - this is not the case! There is a difference between feeling depressed and suffering from depression. 
33% of people think only 40% of people find anti-depressants ineffective. Although it entirely depends on the individual, results have shown that a massive 70% of people find these drugs ineffective. Which must mean there's room for another way to help?
84% of people realise children can get depressed, it is usually harder to spot as parents often label it 'their difficult time', however this needs to be communicated that if they have the symptoms, it is likely they are depressed.
Luckily 84% of people understand that depressed people shouldn't just snap out of it, because they can't. It's a good sign people are aware of this.

I found my results informing about how people think. From this I can try to find a loop-hole and build a project focus around this problem.

User Centered Design: What is it?

Wikipedia definition:
In broad terms, user-centered design (UCD) is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of an interface or document are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process. User-centered design can be characterized as a multi-stage problem solving process that not only requires designers to analyze and foresee how users are likely to use an interface, but also to test the validity of their assumptions with regards to user behaviour in real world tests with actual users. Such testing is necessary as it is often very difficult for the designers of an interface to understand intuitively what a first-time user of their design experiences, and what each user's learning curve may look like.
As a designer I need to remember these important points:

  • Who are the users?
  • What are the users' tasks and goals?
  • What information do the users need, and in what form do they need it?
  • How do users think this 'thing' should work?
  • What are the users experience with documents like this, and how can I improve them?

These are all really important things to consider when designing for my target audience. Constant feedback will be needed to ensure that I am producing something worthwhile and effective enough to help and create a solution to my problem.

General Feedback from a Counsellor and a Doctor

I have recently spoken to a counsellor and a doctor in order to gain better insight when approaching someone who suffers from depression. As it was more of a discussion as opposed to an interview I will be recording the valid points below:

  • (With regards to the current flyers that exist) I asked if people would take more interest if the flyers and leaflets were designed better in order to create an eye-catching piece of information as I believe it is something that needs to be brought to light. Her response "I see what you mean, I guess if it doesn't affect you, then there is no interest there unless you've had a subjective experience".
  • There is a big difference between experiencing spells of depression and being diagnosed with depression.
  • When asking for help, she found she was always approached by the person suffering from depression/symptoms rather than teachers or other fellow students.
  • The circumstances justify the feelings of depression.
  • There are various symptoms to look out for, the symptoms are generally the same across any type of depression.
  • Worth looking into how people experience anti-depressants as they have a place within the treatment. They are supposed to narrow the emotional band and help keep things on an even keel to make everyday life less of a challenge.
  • The experiences of anti-depressants differ depending on the individual.
  • They provide short-term counselling.
  • Usually the GP is approached, it is common to prescribe anti-depressants and a counsellor is usually recommended.
  • Clinical depression = the person becomes really ill with it.
  • There's definitely a place for goals and objectives, however depression involves a lack of motivation.
  • They NEED a structure.
  • Dorothy Rowe = Author who specialises in depression* (look up)
  • My particular client group generally present the moods and emotions related to depression, they are a complex range and factors could become obvious during life turbulence. It's only after the turbulence you can differentiate the depressed from the non-sufferers depending on whether they steady back down or get worse.
  • Year 11 onwards is generally where the turbulence begins.
  • Always a danger with people labelling themselves 'Depressed'.
  • Look up Biochemistry*
  • BACP Organisation.
  • Finds that talking therapies are the most successful.
  • Usually if someone is in a low mood for longer than 3 weeks, they are diagnosed with depression.
  • Before prescribing anti-depressants, the patient is usually suggested exercise, weight loss, talking therapies and computerised CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
  • Depending on the individual - Anti-depressants tries not to be the first option.
  • People generally approach the doctor when they are feeling low. (BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T APPROACH)*
  • It is unusual to see children, however depression is most common from teenage years onwards.
  • No awareness campaigns thought of.

Preparation for Pin-Up Critique

Visuals are expected at this weeks crit, however due to the huge topic choice I feel I need to engage in more research before I can make any decisions about experimentation. My project needs to be based around user-centered design, meaning I can not just fully rely on my design choices as it could result in a misunderstanding or confusion of messages. To ensure I am keeping within ethical guidelines I will need a lot of feedback from my target market themselves.
I have produced four posters to help explain my project to my group:

Justification 1: Focusing my EMP

During my attempt to further focus my project, I have resulted in an argument for both sides. I think people who don't suffer from depression need to be made to understand the seriousness whereas depression sufferers need to be guided more into where they are able to access to available help from.

For depression sufferers:
How can I make this information more user-friendly and appealing through good design?

For non-depression sufferers:
How can I make people more aware of the nature of depression as an illness?

It seems people can simplify the word ‘depression’ into a few words; for example: feeling sad, or miserable, or feeling low. However, there are many different types and causes of depression, which unbeknown to many people, anyone can suffer from at any time in their lives. The level of severity varies dramatically from something easily overcome such as ‘feeling blue’ to excessive feelings where actions such as suicide is considered.

Society today has developed so much ignorance around this topic area as many people fail to realise it is an illness, and instead dismiss it as a phase or someone feeling sorry for themselves.
Feedback from various doctors and counsellors show that they believe enough information is available about this subject area, and believe that people approach them if they feel depressed. Feedback from those who have a depression diagnosis have revealed that it is not communicated in a user-friendly or appealing way resulting in people not being aware or accessing this information. They also believe due to wide-spread view, that depression is a personal weakness and therefore find it difficult to express themselves.

My target audience is people aged between 16-24 who suffer mild depression. It is particularly this time in their lives that they make life changing decisions regarding jobs, living arrangements, relationships etc and it is a common feeling to experience negativity, doubt and fear at this time. Information is needed to encourage and enable this age group to access help quickly in order to prevent a further decline in their mental health.

Survey 1

To gain some initial idea of what people are aware of I have conducted a survey to gather this information anonymously. I have gone through in order to achieve fast results. From my results I can draw information which will hopefully enable be to narrow my approach.
The questions asked are featured below:

1. Are you a...
  • Student
  • Parent
  • Teacher
  • Other
2. How would you best describe depression?

3. What ago group do you think depression effects mostly?
  • 0 - 10
  • 11 - 25
  • 26 - 40
  • 40 +
4. Depression can appear for no particular reason.
  • True
  • False
5. Do you think enough is being done to make people aware of depression and the severity of it?
  • Yes
  • No
6. Depression is...
  • An illness
  • A weakness
  • A phase that everyone goes through
7. According to results, what percentage of people find anti-depressants ineffective?
  • 40%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 70%
8. Do you think children get depressed?
  • Yes
  • No
9. Do you think depressed people should just snap out of it and get on with their lives?
  • Yes
  • No
10. What do you think should be done to make people more aware of this increasing problem?

Tutorial 1

General comments about projects:
  • Engage with workload
  • Methodologies and experimentations are needed
  • Find your way to the heart of the matter in 4 or 5 ways and continue to expand
  • Need a solid action plan
  • Solid project ideas
  • Step by step account for your methodologies
  • Be schematic
  • Consider to collect primary data
  • Remember hierarchies and grids when presenting your work
My feedback regarding EMP:
  • Engage with the public
  • Draw from focus groups
  • Could be tough as it is an ethical situation - find a way around this
  • (About existing leaflets) Are these appropriate forms of information?
  • User-centered design and responding to it - call of action that requires a response
  • Is the design important? Is it working?
  • Need to begin experimenting
It seems an ethical issue is going to be the main problem within my project topic. As it is such a massive subject area I need to pin-point a specific area, find a gap in the market and approach. I need to find out what the ethical issues are going to be in order to ensure I can avoid this.

Evaluation, Career Planning and Enterprise

Deadline: Friday 14th May 2010
This project will be running along side the Extended Major Project. It is split into four different sections and I will be documenting it within this blog.

  • Critical reflection and developing a profile sympathetic to a chosen destination
  • Documenting practice in level 6 with particular emphasis on the Major Project
  • Critically reviewing and monitoring suitability of 'portfolio'
  • Review of possible destinations
I need to consider what area of design I want to go into, work on my portfolio and self promotion, my blog to document my progression throughout the rest of this year and a written piece of 2500 words of self reflection.

Depression: Brief Definition

Depression: An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts, that affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be wished away. People with a depressive disease cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people with depression.

*This illness takes many forms and can develop from a number of causes and is an increasing issue within society today. Although there are different treatments to anti-depressants, it is the fastest way for an individual to receive treatment. It isn't however, the most effective. 

Learning Agreement 1

Synopsis of study

For my Extended Major Project I will be investigating the rising number of cases in depression, particularly in teenagers. I will be researching existing statistics and reviewing what is already being done to help prevent these numbers from rising. From my research I can critique and develop the services and publications, which are already present today, as well as designing my own.
My aims of achievement for this topic is to focus on a positive outlook in order to change the way people think and respond to certain situations. As such a huge number of people suffer from depression, a large number of which are given anti-depressants unnecessarily, therefore I want to design an alternative to the medication. The numbers of children and teenagers who suffer from depression are rising daily, so a way to help raise awareness is also needed.
Based on my interest of human behaviour and emotions, I feel this is a current issue that needs to be addressed and is often ignored. I have had previous encounters with people who suffer from depression and have revealed that medication is not always the only answer, and can therefore be approached from other directions.
Through my research of primary and secondary resources, I will be able to determine a more focused direction to approach this issue. This will also be achieved through a series of smaller projects.
I will be exploring and experimenting with a broad range of techniques and processes in order to increase my range of creativity. I hope to build and improve my current abilities to achieve my maximum potential so that my final outcome is presented in the most successful way. I aim to develop further from my comfort zone, initially focusing away from dependable sources. I hope this will encourage me to think differently, taking my design abilities in alternative directions.

Initial Idea Generation

[Click on image to Enlarge]
To help decide what my Extended Major Project would be based on, I produced a mind-mapping exercise which would highlight the basic areas I find interest in - but would also find scope in order to develop a project from. I ran through a lot of thought processes regarding each topic area as I had lots of ideas I wanted to execute, but ended up at as decision based around people and their health. A focus of most interest to me; and something I believe is dismissed and misunderstood, is mental health.
It is a current, social issue which can affect anyone and anytime for any reason. It is a massive subject as there are hundreds off different types, reasons, elements, triggers etc, so this as a starting point needs to be narrowed down excessively.