Survey 1 Results

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These results do not include the self reply answers. Due to the type of survey I applied for I was only able to receive 100 answers, this was still an amazing response and enabled me to see a broad range of replies to this topic area. 
The majority of the people who participated in my research was students - this is good as it is within my target audience age range, so their feedback is important for my project. 
46% of people thought that the most common age group to be effected by depression is 26-40, it is infact 11-25 (my chosen target audience).
77% of people understand that depression does not need a particular cause in order for someone to suffer from it and a huge 85% of people don't think enough is being done to promote the awareness of this illness.
79% of people luckily know it is an illness, however it means people still believe it is a weakness or a phase that everyone goes through - this is not the case! There is a difference between feeling depressed and suffering from depression. 
33% of people think only 40% of people find anti-depressants ineffective. Although it entirely depends on the individual, results have shown that a massive 70% of people find these drugs ineffective. Which must mean there's room for another way to help?
84% of people realise children can get depressed, it is usually harder to spot as parents often label it 'their difficult time', however this needs to be communicated that if they have the symptoms, it is likely they are depressed.
Luckily 84% of people understand that depressed people shouldn't just snap out of it, because they can't. It's a good sign people are aware of this.

I found my results informing about how people think. From this I can try to find a loop-hole and build a project focus around this problem.

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